Influencer of the Week – Sandy and Vyjay #InfluencerSpeaks

  • Author: Sayantan Rudra
  • |
  • Updated Date : February 21, 2022

As part of the #InfluencerSpeaks series, we bring you the interviews with top influencers across India. This week, we are featuring Vyjay and Sandy, social media influencers. Here’s the transcript of their interview:

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your blog/online presence

We are Sandy and Vyjay, a couple with a passion for travel and nature. We have been travelling extensively in India and other parts of the world for over ten years and now are harnessing the power of social media to share our experiences with others. We have a travel blog site – Voyager where we share our stories and experiences of our amazing travel journeys and aim to inspire other travel lovers to see what this amazing world has to offer through our stories, videos and photos. We are fascinated by the social media revolution which has brought the world closer. Every day is a learning experience for us, when we are travelling and also when we are not.

How did you get started online? How has the journey been?

We have been travelling for over a decade now and thought it would be great to share our travel experiences. That is how ‘Voyager’  was born. It has been an amazing journey and continues to be. It feels so good to be part of a huge online travel community where one is exposed to countless virtual travel experiences every day. It is also a great forum for interesting discussions and debates and exchange of valuable information. We have seen world cultures coming together on this massive technology platform, called Social Media.

What type of content do you create?

Our content is primarily about our travels, experiences and travel philosophy. We cover destinations, festivals, culture, food, travel tips, etc., to name a few.

Tell us something about the most interesting projects you have engaged with.

We were associated with a crowd funded travel startup company based on sustainable tourism, for which we did Social Media campaigns through our blogs and other platforms. We would be associated with an upcoming charitable book project also. We would be brand ambassador and editor for this project.

Which brands have you associated with in the past?

To name a few, we have been associated with Shopper’s Stop, Lufthansa, and Magic Bricks etc.

Where do you see opportunities and challenges in being an online Influencer?

As a social media influencer, we have a responsibility and we need to be ethical. We have to share what we truly believe in and support.

Any thoughts or tips you would like to share with your fellow Bloggers and Influencers?

As online influencers, we are the bridge between the brands and potential customers. It is important that we connect and engage with our followers/audience and understand their needs.

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