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Nidhi Nagori Taking Over The World One Post a Day
Today’s generation is very aware of the opportunities that life can offer them, as they should be. They are certainly proactive and eager to take these opportunities and spin them to their advantage. But with so many prospects and platforms, it is imperative that people possess the right information and act on it accordingly. The need of the hour is to get the accurate tools, resources, and information to amplify personal and professional growth.
Life coach and content creator Nidhi Nagori has an exemplary take on career and skill development apart from her vivid knowledge with respect to finance. From her blog, she educates people regarding various courses, skills, money, and the realities of moving abroad. A CA, CPA, and CISA, she is currently based in Toronto working as an investment banker. She has worked in multiple countries, helping immigrants all over the world find their passion.
We had the pleasure to get to know Nidhi and conducted an interview with her. Read on to know her stance on life and career.
Q1. What inspired you to create content around career and finance and when did you start your
journey as a content creator?
I started my journey as a content creator about two years ago. It wasn’t videos, it was just simple posts and I enjoyed doing it. What inspired me back then to create content was just simple; when I moved to the US, I had nobody to guide me,I knew that it was a very difficult journey and I wanted to share my experience. I wanted to make somebody else’s journey easy. That’s how I started it.
Q2. How do you balance your commitments as a full-time working professional and a content creator?
The thing is I enjoy creating content which is why I always somehow find time to create it. I don’t do anything crazy, I only rely on my phone and do basic editing. My job is always my number one priority and I make sure I’m performing 100% at work each day.
Q3. Lately, we’ve been seeing so many students seeking educational opportunities in other countries. What would be your advice to them relating to career and life across the border?
For anyone who is looking to study abroad, my only suggestion is, DYOR- Do Your Own Research. There are a lot of countries that are offering free education scholarships. There’s also the situation of immigration which is you will get a work permit and you will get permanent status once you’ve completed your studies. So do all of that research and also most importantly know why you are going to study abroad. You need to have the answer as to why you want to do it.
Q4. What are some of the key differences between career opportunities offered in Canada and India?
Honestly, I think India and Canada are very different when it comes to opportunities. From my personal experience, I think work life in Canada is much better and the opportunities that I’ve gotten here are insane. People here take chances on you. If you are willing to work hard, you will find opportunities here. But you have to work hard, there is no job here that you can do without hard work and you have to be the number one in everything you do. Commitment and excellence make a difference.
Q5. We’ve seen a rise in investments in cryptocurrency. What are your thoughts about crypto-investing and trading?
I find crypto very interesting because this is something that I’ve learned on my own. You know when it comes to gold fix deposit stocks we’ve always had our parents guide us. So to me, crypto‘s very interesting because this is completely my own learning and my own decisions. I invest in crypto because I believe in it and also because I believe in diversifying my portfolio. But like everything else, do your own research and make sure you know where you’re putting your money.
Q6. We’ve seen your #OfficeOOTD story series on Instagram and are loving the way you take style to your office. Do you have a knack for fashion? What are some of your favourite apparel brands?
I obviously love being well-dressed at work because that just makes me feel more confident. I’m not sure if I have a knack for fashion or not but I always want to make sure that I am well put when I show up to work. I don’t have a favorite brand but I’m a big thrift person so I thrift a lot. I like to buy classic pieces so I spend less money and buy stuff that I actually like and with which I can go on for a long time.
Q7. According to you, what are some crucial skills that people should develop looking at the present and future scenario?
I think anything related to technology at this point is a great skill to have. Also, another skill that a lot of us need to have is to have a mindset of evolution and accommodation. Technology is changing our world at an unprecedented rate and we have to make sure that we are upscaling ourselves to stay relevant.
Q8. What are some of your ‘mantras’ that you live by?
The biggest mantra that I live by is to always prioritize what’s important to you and find time for your priorities. For me there is no one like my family. I lost my father at a very early age and it has made me realize that whatever you do in your life, you do it for the people you love. So always find time for people you love.
Q9. What would be your advice/suggestions to budding content creators?
My suggestion to anybody- Don’t do this because it can be a career. Anything can pay you XYZ amount of money. Do it because you want to do it because you’re passionate about it, and do it alongside something else. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Q10. Your social media blogs are very informative and insightful. How do you constantly manage to enhance your knowledge?
I’m a very curious person to be very honest. I love reading. I love knowing what’s going on in the world and also because I am in investment banking. My employer has a substantial presence globally so I work across the world. All of this makes it very important for me to know what’s going on in the entire world related to immigration, politics, economics, etc.
Q11. Apart from work and content creation, what are your interests and hobbies which help you refresh your mind?
My biggest hobby to be very honest is reading but I haven’t found a lot of time for it lately. I hope after this article I will be able to find some more time for it.
Q12. It is truly commendable that you’re using your platform and knowledge to help people all around the world find their dream careers. What is your dream/goal in life?
My goal in life is to just have an easy life where the people I love are proud of me. That’s all I want.
Q13. What is your definition of success? How do you think it can be achieved?
Success is very personal. What may mean success to me may not mean success to someone else. My definition of success is to have financial, intellectual, and emotional independence. Currently, I own enough to sustain my entire family, I am my own person intellectually and emotionally, I am my favorite. To me that is success.
Q14. You have worked in 25+ countries. How has that experience been so far?
Working globally has been something else. I wish I could put it in words. It has definitely made me humble, it has taught me a lot and told me there is no boundary to our dreams and our goals.
Q15. Social media has become a crucial part of everyone’s life. How do you think people can leverage it to develop their knowledge/career?
I think you should only consume a part of social media. You can benefit if you think something is doing you more good than bad. In my example, I was following the US elections last year very close to the point that it got me anxious. Until a friend told me that I just simply need to unfollow the news channels, and that’s what I did. Social media algorithms are such that they only show you what you want to see, so once I followed that I unfollowed the negativity and it ceased to exist.
Q16. We learnt from your profile that you like to read. What are your latest finds and which books would you recommend to your audience?
When it comes to reading I love history and politics and that’s what I enjoy reading the most.
Q17. Your profile mentions Your ‘Global Career’ course. What are the key takeaways from this course?
Global Careers course is for anyone who wants to have a true look at themselves. Whether you want to live in India, your home country or you want to move abroad, my goal is to teach you how to approach this entire journey because immigration is about mindset and I hope to develop that mindset for you.