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7 Types of YouTube videos you need on your channel
In the 13 years since it first launched in 2005, YouTube has transformed from just a video sharing platform to the second largest search engine in the world. Today, YouTube has 1 billion active users every month, with 225 million in India alone. With the huge opportunity for exposure that YouTube offers, it has become one of the most successful mediums for both brands and influencers. Some of the most popular YouTube celebrities have over a million subscribers and have landed huge endorsement deals. But as a growing influencer, how do you start building your brand and get your first 1000 subscribers? The only way to do this is by producing content that your audience is actually interested in. Here are some of the most popular types of YouTube videos to get started with!
1. How-to guides and tutorials
How-to videos can be used across genres and are one of the best-performing types of videos on YouTube. If you have expertise in a particular area or believe that you have an easy way of doing something that your audience might find useful, these types of videos can work well for you. The huge beauty guru craze that stemmed from YouTube is one of the best examples of how successful tutorial videos can be. From perfecting a winged liner to creating flawless makeup looks, there’s a tutorial on YouTube for almost every beauty-related query. Tutorials have also been very successful across virtually every genre including technology, fitness, food and DIY crafts.
Tutorial videos can also be an excellent opportunity for brands to popularise their product. Influencers often make recommendations of products that they are using for the demo, something that brands can and should capitalise on.
2. Vlogs
A vlog is essentially a video blog, where YouTubers record their day, share their feelings and opinions or simply keep subscribers updated on their life. These types of videos are one of the best ways to bring out your personality and connect with your subscribers. As they are typically unscripted, vlogs give you plenty of room to experiment with content. They can also help your subscribers understand you better. While you can record yourself doing practically anything, vlogs focused on a certain topic tend to work best. This can give your audience an idea of what to expect in the video which can influence whether they actually watch it or not. Health YouTubers, for example, often post vlogs on what they eat in a day, while ‘Get Ready With Me’ vlogs are popular among fashion YouTubers.
Here, popular lifestyle and beauty blogger Nitibha Kaul vlogged about her trip to Leh Ladakh in collaboration with Axis Bank. This is an excellent example of how vlogs can also be used by brands to gain credibility through influencer marketing.
3. Shopping hauls
Shopping haul videos are exactly what they sound like. YouTubers who have gone on a shopping spree or ordered a number of products online make these videos to showcase their purchases. While they don’t actually review any of the products, YouTubers usually give their first impressions of the packaging, look and feel. One of the reasons why haul videos are popular might be because viewers can enjoy the thrill of going on a shopping spree without actually spending anything. They also pose a great opportunity for influencers as brands often sponsor them to showcase their products. In this way, hauls can help you create video content that converts.
4. Comedy
Comedy videos have some of the greatest potential to go viral because people love sharing content that made them laugh. These videos are also often shared on social media, which can help you become more popular across platforms. Humour can sometimes be risky because it is largely subjective and can vary between different cultural contexts. But with the diverse audience active on YouTube today, you can easily find a loyal base that will find your content hilarious. Some of the popular types of comedy videos include sketches, stand-up videos and pranks. While you don’t have to play too safe with the kind of content you use, it’s important that your humour isn’t offensive as this might backfire on you.
Comedy videos aren’t commonly associated with brand promotions, but this is exactly what can work in favour for a brand. Through clever product placements or storylines revolving around a certain product, brands can market their products in a subtle and unique way.
5. Unboxing videos
Unboxing videos are very popular among beauty, fashion and technology influencers. These videos usually involve a YouTuber opening a package for the first time and sharing their immediate thoughts on it. A tech YouTuber, for example, might unbox a new gadget that has come out and take viewers through its contents. One of the reasons why unboxing videos are so popular is that they show viewers exactly what to expect when they buy a product. It also lets them vicariously experience the excitement of opening a package for the first time. As an influencer, unboxing videos can be a very lucrative segment to enter.
Brands often sponsor these videos to showcase their products and encourage more people to try them. The success of these videos is one of the reasons why brands are using influencer marketing in 2018.
6. Product reviews
Product reviews are a natural extension of ‘shopping haul’ and ‘unboxing’ videos. While the first two only introduce a viewer to a product with a YouTuber’s first impressions on it, reviews are more in-depth. Almost any product can be reviewed, however, reviews of beauty products, skincare and gadgets are most common. Product review videos often perform very well on YouTube because the demand for them is very high. YouTube’s Brandcast 2018 revealed that more than 50 per cent of female professionals watch YouTube videos before making a purchase in categories like beauty and automobiles. For this same reason, YouTubers who make product review videos are very important to brands. If you want to become a successful influencer on YouTube, product review videos could be the fastest way. Brands love product review videos as much as viewers do because it gives users more confidence about trying out a product for themselves.
In this video, lifestyle and parenting influencer Lata, who runs the channel Fabulous Mom Life, reviewed products by Super Million Hair. Her recommendation of the brand encourages her viewers to purchase and try it out for themselves.
7. Educational videos
If you have expertise on a specific subject, you should definitely consider making educational videos. Many people who learn faster through visual stimuli turn to YouTube to understand concepts. Students often use YouTube videos to learn topics that might be more complex to understand in a textbook. Because of this, educational videos often get very high views. One of the biggest advantages of educational videos is that they are virtually timeless. Since basic concepts do not change over time, your video views are unlikely to dip no matter how old it is.
Educational videos allow brands the opportunity to create valuable content for their audience without being overtly promotional. A real estate developer, for example, might create or sponsor a video about the benefits of investing in a home to make users more informed. This in turn, can translate into sales in the long run.
The types of videos will help you create a niche for yourself as an influencer. Depending on the genre you want to dominate, you can choose the type of video which will work best for your channel. If you are new to YouTube marketing, you can also read our blog on A Handy Guide to YouTube Analytics for Influencers.